Dr. Taweep Chaisomphob
Associate Professor
Email : taweep@siit.tu.ac.th
Phone Rangsit : +66-2-986-9009, +66-2-986-9101, +66-2-564-3226
Phone Extension: 1907
B.Eng. (1st Class Honors) in Civil Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
M.Eng. in Civil Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Japan
D.Eng. in Civil Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Academic Awards
Fellow, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Japan, 2007.
The Outstanding Researcher, 1998, Thammasat University.
Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) Scholarship, 1982-1987.
Gold Medal Prize, 1982, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.
Research Areas
Advanced design methods of steel and composite structures, Shear lag behavior of thin-walled structures, Development of run-of-river hydropower projects, Public participation in infrastructure project development, Development or efficient composting system for solid waste treatment.
Research Interests
Application of Three-Dimensional Finite Element Method to Design of Steel Structures
In order to propose the improvement in the design methods of steel structures, the three-dimensional finite element method using shellelements is employed. For the local stress analysis of a complicated steel structure such as a long-span bridge, the hybrid model which combines shell and beam element mesh is developed. By carefully in investigating the behavior of steel box-girder, the assessment of shear lag effects on stress and deflection is proposed.
Development of Run-off-River Small Hydropower Projects
The run-of-river small hydropower is considered as one of promising renewable energy sources in Thailand, since it gives less environmental and social impacts. The feasibility study of the hydropower projects of this type is performed by considering engineering, economic and environmental criteria. The geographical inforamtion system (GIS) is adopted as a tool for the present study.
Development of Efficient Organic Waste Composting System for Small and Medium Communities
Composting as the treatment of the municipal solid waste has getting more promising as it has lesser effect to the environment. However, in the developing countries, it has usually been looked over due to its unflavored processes, and lacking of technology. To eliminate such problems, this research project was emerged to develop a better composting system. A pilot plant was set up, and a series of experiment was conducted to study the optimal composting conditions, which would maximize its efficiency in actuality. This will follow by the feasibility study and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of the proposal as a sustainable consideration for the solid waste treatment method for the future.
Work Experiences
1992-Present: SIIT
2013-Present: Head, Efficient Urban Research Center, SIIT
2011-2013: Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Thammasat University, Thailand
2010-2011: Vice Rector for Research and Educational Services, Thammasat University, Thailand
2009-2010: Head of School of Civil Engineering and Technology, SIIT
2004-2007: Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Thammasat University, Thailand
1999-2003: Assistant Director for Student Affairs, SIIT
1996-1999: Chairperson, Civil Engineering Department, SIIT
1994-1996: Academic Secretary, SIIT
1994: Acting Director, SIIT
1987-1992: Design & Research Engineer, Obayashi Corporation, Japan
Theses Supervised
Master Theses Supervised
1998 : Chayanon Hansapinyo. Nonlinear Analysis of Three-Dimensional Reinforced Concrete Framed Structures Using Smeared Crack Models.
1999 : Chartree Lertsima. Improvement on Current Design Practice of Multi-Girder Bridges in Thailand.
2003 : Jaturong Sa-nguanmanasak. Public Participation in Development of Infrastructure Project in Thailand.
2003 : Chakri Kupakrapinyo. Preliminary Feasibility Study on Run-of-River Type Hydropower Project in Thailand: Case Study in Maehongson Province.
2003 : Nannaphats Tanutpongpalin. Application of Geographic Information System to Site Selection on Run-of-River Type Small Hydropower Project based on Environmental Criteria in Thailand.
2003 : Suapphong Kritsanawonghong. Experimental Investigation on Reinforced Concrete Beams subjected to Bi-axial Shear and Torsion.
Doctoral Theses Supervised
2002 : Chayanon Hansapinyo. Bi-axial Shear Capacity and Shear Deformation of Reinforced Concrete Beam.
2003 : Chartree Lertsima. Hybrid Modeling of a Long-Span Cable-Stayed Bridge and Shear Lag Assessment in Simply supported Box Girders by Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis.
2009 : Pannathat Rojanamon. Site Selection on Small Run-of-River Hydropower Project by Using Geographic Information System.
Current : Jaturong Sa-nguanmanasak. Shear Lag in Continuous Box Girders and Structural Behavior of Steel-concrete Composite Overpass by Three-dimensional Finite Element Analysis.
Current : Praj-ya Sungsomboon. Development of Efficient MSW Composting System for Small and Medium Communities.
Current : Chira Bureecam. Life-cycle Cost Analysis of Composting System for Municipalities in Thailand.
Current : Apichat Bunnag. Advanced Design and Analysis of Cold-Formed Steel Structures.
Professional Activities
Chairperson, Subcommittee on Steel Structures, Engineering Institute of Thailand (EIT)
Member, Academic Committee on Steel Materials, Thailand Industrial Standards Institute (TISI)
Member, Subcommittee on Certifying Civil Engineering Degree and Curriculum, Council of Engineers of Thailand
List of Publications
From 2002 to Date
International Journals
Fujita, Haruhiro; Katsuyuki Nakano; Taweep Chaisomphob; Erliza Hambali (2019). Greenhouse gas emission of electricity generation and field abandonment scenarios using empty fruit bunches at a palm oil mill, Surat Thani Province, Thailand, Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy, Vol. 98, No. 5, May 2019, pp. 119-123.
Warakorn Tantrapongsaton; Chayanon Hansapinyo; Piyapong Wongmatar; Taweep Chaisomphob (2018). Flexural reinforced concrete members with minimum reinforcement under low-velocity impact load, International Journal of GEOMATE, Vol.14, No. 46, June 2018, pp. 129-136.
Chira Bureecam and Taweep Chaisomphob (2015). Models of municipal solid waste generation and collection costs applicable to all municipalities in Thailand, Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 37, No. 4, July-August 2015, pp. 449-498.
Praj-ya Sungsomboon; Taweep Chaisomphob; Nattakorn Bongochgetsakul; and Tetsuya Ishida (2013). Pilot-scale tests of an innovative ‘serial self-turning reactor’ composting technology in Thailand, Waste Management & Research, Vol. 31, No. 2, February 2013, pp. 212-222.
Pannathat Rojanamon; Taweep Chaisomphob; and Thawilwadee Bureekul (2012). Public participation in development of small infrastructure projects, Sustainable Development, Vol. 20, No. 5, September/October 2012, pp. 320-334.
Praj-ya Sungsomboon; Taweep Chaisomphob; Ishida, Tetsuya; and Chira Bureecam (2012). Implementation of a new composting technology, serial self-turning reactor system, for municipal solid waste management in a small community in Thailand, Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 34, No. 1, January-February 2012,pp. 109-115.
Jaturong Sa-nguanmanasak; Taweep Chaisomphob; and Eiki Yamaguchi (2010). Improvement on design analyses of composite steel-concrete bridges using elaborate finite element methods, Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 32, No. 3, May-June 2010, pp. 289-297.
Pannathat Rojanamon; Taweep Chaisomphob; and Thawilwadee Bureekul (2009). Application of geographical information system to site selection of small run-of-river hydropower project by considering engineering/economic/environmental criteria and social impact, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 13, No. 9, December 2009, pp. 2336-2348.
Jaturong Sa-nguanmanasak; Taweep Chaisomphob; and Eiki Yamaguchi (2007). Stress concentration due to shear lag in continuous box girders, Engineering Structures, Vol. 29, No. 7, July 2007, pp. 1414-1421.
Pannathat Rojanamon; Taweep Chaisomphob; and Winyu Rattanapitikon (2007). Regional flow duration model for the Salawin river basin of Thailand, ScienceAsia: Journal of the Science Society of Thailand, Vol. 33, pp. 411- 419.
Chartree Lertsima; Taweep Chaisomphob; Eiki Yamaguchi; and Jaturong Sa-nguanmanasak (2005). Deflection of simply supported box girder including effect of shear lag, Computers & Structures, Vol. 84, No. 1-2, pp. 11 -18.
Chartree Lertsima; Taweep Chaisomphob; and Eiki Yamaguchi (2004). Stress concentration due to shear lag in simply supported box girders, Engineering Structures, Vol. 26, No. 8, pp. 1093-1101.
Chartree Lertsima; Taweep Chaisomphob; and Eiki Yamaguchi (2004). Three-dimensional finite element modeling of a long-span cable-stayed bridge for local stress analysis, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 113-124.
Chayanon Hansapinyo; Amorn Pimanmas; Koichi Maekawa; and Taweep Chaisomphob (2003). Proposed model of shear deformation of reinforced concrete beam after diagonal cracking, Journal of Materials, Concrete Structures and Pavements, JSCE, Vol. 58, No. 725, pp. 305-319.
Chayanon Hansapinyo; Koichi Maekawa; and Taweep Chaisomphob (2003). Behavior of reinforced concrete beams subjected to bi-axial shear, Journal of Materials, Concrete Structures and Pavements, JSCE, Vol. 58, No. 725, pp. 321-331.
National Journals
Wachcharadej Boonlualohr and Taweep Chaisomphob (2012). Application of serial self-turning reactor system (STR) to sewage sludge composting, Suranaree Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 19, No. 3, 2012, pp. 143-153.
Firozi, Md. Monirul Islam; Taweep Chaisomphob; Chira Achayuthakan; and Pradit Withisuphakorn (2012). Study on potential of utilization of retired gas-fired power plants in Bangladesh by using analytical hierarchy process,Thammasat International Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 17, No. 1, January-March 2012, pp. 1-15.
Taweep Chaisomphob; Chayanon Hansapinyo; Suapphong Kritsanawonghong; and Chunyakom Sivaleepunth (2004). Test of reinforced concrete deep beams subjected to concentric bi-axial loading, Research and Development Journal of the Engineering Institute of Thailand, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 1-8.
Taweep Chaisomphob; Jaturong Sa-nguanmanasak; and Kanokporn Swangjang (2004). Role of public participation in planning power plant projects in Thailand, Thammasat International Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 67-73.
Chayanon Hansapinyo; Taweep Chaisomphob; and Koichi Maekawa (2003). Numerical simulation of concrete beams subjected to bi-axial loading, Research and Development Journal of the Engineering Institute of Thailand, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 17-24.
Taweep Chaisomphob and Chakri Kupakrapinyo (2003). Preliminary feasibility study on run-of-river type small hydropower project in Thailand : case study in Maehongson province, Research and Development Journal of the Engineering Institute of Thailand, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 34-43.
Taweep Chaisomphob; Suapphong Kritsanawonghong; and Chayanon Hansapinyo (2003). Experimental investigation on rectangular reinforced concrete beam subjected to bi-axial shear and torsion, Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 41-52.
International Conferences
Ekarin Lueangvilai; Kazuhiro Tsuno; Taweep Chaisompob (2017). Topography survey and dimension measurement of expressway structure using mobile mapping 3d laser scanner. In Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Steel Structures (ISSS-2017), 1-4 November 2017, Jeju, Korea, pp. 287-290.
Tran, Ha Thanh; Ekarin Lueangvilai; Kazuhiro Tsuno; Taweep Chaisompob (2017). Development of cable stayed bridge health monitoring system using mobile mapping 3d laser scanner. In Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Steel Structures (ISSS-2017), 1-4 November 2017, Jeju, Korea, pp. 283-286.
Chea, Bunya; Taweep Chaisomphob; Wasan Patwichaichote; Eiki Yamaguchi (2017). Experimental and numerical study on cold-formed steel built-up box beams, IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series: Proceedings of the Regional Conference in Civil Engineering (RCCE 2017) and the 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering Research (ICCER 2017), 1-2 August 2017, Surabaya, Indonesia, No. 6, 2017, pp. 300-307.
Kang, Kimcheng; Taweep Chaisomphob; Wasan Patwichaichote; Eiki Yamaguchi (2017). Experimental and numerical investigation on cold-formed steel C back-to-back beams, IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series: Proceedings of the Regional Conference in Civil Engineering (RCCE 2017) and the 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering Research (ICCER 2017), 1-2 August 2017, Surabaya, Indonesia, No. 6, 2017, pp. 402-410.
Kang, Kimcheng; and Taweep Chaisomphob (2016). Experimental investigation on cold-formed steel C back-to-back beams. In Proceedings of the ASEAN Civil Engineering Conference (ACEC 2016), 14-15 November 2016, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei, pp. 70-77.
Chea, Bunya; and Taweep Chaisomphob (2016). Experimental study on cold-formed steel built-up box by C section beam. In Proceedings of the ASEAN Civil Engineering Conference (ACEC 2016), 14-15 November 2016, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei, pp. 60-69.
Taweep Chaisomphob; Prajya Sungsonboon; and Chutimon Somboonmark (2016). Application of serial-self turning composting technology to local government. In Proceedings of the 11th GMSARN International Conference on Innovative Energy, Environment, and Development in GMS, 16-18 November 2016, Yunnan, China, 6 p.
Chutimon Somboonmark; and Taweep Chaisomphob (2016). Feasibility study of composting technology in local government case study: sub-district municipality, Suratthani province. In Proceedings of the 2016 7th International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Applications (ICEEA 2016), 25-27 July, 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 65-69.
Ha Thanh Tran; Wasan Patwichaichote; Taweep Chaisomphob; and Eiki Yamaguchi (2016). Numerical study on flexural behavior of cold-formed steel built-up c section beam. In Proceedings of the 14th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-14), 6-8 January 2016, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, pp. 1855-1861.
Linh, Tran Hong and Taweep Chaisomphob (2015). Experiments on co-composting between chicken manure and vegetable waste for sustainable solid waste. In Proceedings of the 10th GMSARN International Conference 2015 on Smart Energy, Environment and Community Development in GMS, 16-18 December 2015, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 4 p.
Tran, Ha Thanh; Wasan Patwichaichote; and Taweep Chaisomphob (2015). Experimental study of cold-formed steel built-up C section beam. In Proceedings of the 9th Asia Pacific Structural Engineering and Construction Conference (APSEC 2015) and 8th Asean Civil Engineering Conference (ACEC 2015) [CD-ROM], 3-5 November 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 6 p.
Linh, Tran Hong and Taweep Chaisomphob (2015). Co-composting of municipal solid waste (MSW) with chicken manure by using 'serial self-turning reactor' (STR) system. In Proceedings of the 9th Asia Pacific Structural Engineering and Construction Conference (APSEC 2015) and 8th Asean Civil Engineering Conference (ACEC 2015) [CD-ROM], 3-5 November 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 6 p.
Doan, Long Sy and Taweep Chaisomphob (2014). The effects of a bulking agent and aerobic system on chicken manure composting using “serial self-turning reactor (STR)” technology. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environment (SEE 2014) [CD-ROM], 19-21 November 2014, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 466-469.
Doan, Long Sy and Taweep Chaisomphob (2014). Evaluation of pathogen destruction in chicken manure using ‘serial self-turning reactor (STR)’ technology at different mixing ratios. In Proceedings of the Sixth Asia-Pacific Young Researchers & Graduates Symposium (YRGS2014), 31 July - 1 August 2014, Pathum Thani, Thailand, pp. 183-187.
Chira Bureecam and Taweep Chaisomphob (2011). The determinants of solid waste collection costs in Thailand. InProceedings of the World Congress of International Solid Waste Association (ISWA 2011) [CD-ROM], 17-20 October 2011, Daegu, Korea, pp. 746-750.
Taweep Chaisomphob; Pannathat Rojanamon; and Thawilwadee Bureekul (2010). Public participation for sustainable development of small hydropower in the Nan province of Thailand. In Proceedings of the 5th GMSARN International Conference 2010 on “Sustainable Development and Climate Change: Challenges and Opportunity in GMS” [CD-ROM], 17-19 November 2010, Luang Prabang, Laos. 8 p.
Wachcharadej Boonlualohr and Taweep Chaisomphob (2010). Preliminary of serial self-turning reactor (STR) to sewage sludge composting. In Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Biology, Environment and Chemistry (ICBEC 2010), 28-30 December 2010, Hong Kong. pp. 475-479.
Taweep Chaisomphob; Pannathat Rojanamon; and Thawilwadee Bureekul (2009). Study on feasible sites of small run-of-river hydropower project in Thailand: case study in Nan River Basin, Thailand. In Proceedings of the International and Exhibition on Hydro 2009: Progress – Potential – Plans [CD-ROM], 26-28 October 2009, Lyon, France. 5 p.
Taweep Chaisomphob; Praj-ya Sungsomboon; Nattakorn Bongochgetsakul; and Tetsuya Ishida (2009). Research and development on novel organic waste composting technology using “serial self-turning reactor (STR)”: case study at Thammasat University, Rangsit Campus, Thailand. In Proceedings of ISWA/APESB World Congress 2009 [CD-ROM], 12-15 October 2009, Lisbon, Portugal. 10 p.
Taweep Chaisomphob; Jaturong Sa-nguanmanasak; and Eiki Yamaguchi, (2009). Stress concentration of simply supported box girder with longitudinal stiffeners including shear lag effect. In Proceedings of the 33rd International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE) Symposium [CD-ROM], 9-11 September 2009, Bangkok, Thailand. 17 p.
Praj-ya Sungsomboon; Taweep Chaisomphob; Nattakorn Bongochgetsakul; and Ishida Tetsuya (2008). Simulation-oriented design for composting operation. In Proceedings of the 5th Asian-Pacific Landfill Symposium (APLAS Sapporo 2008) [CD-ROM], 22-24 October 2008, Hokkaido, Japan. 8 p.
Taweep Chaisomphob; Jaturong Sa-nguanmanasak; and Eiki Yamaguchi (2008). Finite element analysis of a composite steel-concrete bridge. In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology [CD-ROM], 2-5 September 2008, Athens, Greece. Paper No. 286, 12 p.
Jaturong Sa-nguanmanasak; Taweep Chaisomphob; and Eiki Yamaguchi (2008). Shear lag effect on simply supported box girders with longitudinal stiffeners. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM'08) [CD-ROM], 26-28 May 2008, Jeju, Korea. pp. 2095-2105.
Pannathat Rojanamon; Taweep Chaisomphob; and Winyu Rattanapitikon (2006). Monthly flow duration for the Salawin river basin, hailand. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Water Resources and Renewable Energy Development in Asia [CD-ROM], 30 November - 1 December 2006, Bangkok, Thailand, 8 p.
Taweep Chaisomphob; Jaturong Sa-nguanmanasak; and Eiki Yamaguchi (2006). Study on shear lag behavior of stiffened box girders by using elaborate finite element analysis. In WCCM VII: 7th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 16-22 July 2006, LA, California, USA. (Abstract only)
Taweep Chaisomphob; Jaturong Sa-nguanmanasak; and Eiki Yamaguchi (2006). Improvement on design analyses of composite steel-concrete bridges using elaborate finite element methods. In Proceedings of the Tenth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction (EASEC-10) [CD-ROM], 3-5 August 2006, Bangkok, Thailand, Vol. 1, pp. 17-22.
Yamaguch, Eiki; Taweep Chaisomphob; Jaturong Sa-nguanmanasak; and Chartree Lertsima (2006). Shear lag effect in simply supported box girder. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Steel, Space & Composite Structures, 15-17 May 2006, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. pp. 401-407.
Nannaphats Tanutpongpalin and Taweep Chaisomphob (2004). Proposed methodology for site selection of run-of- river type small hydropower project based on environmental criteria. In Proceedings of the Joint International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environment (SEE) [CD-ROM], 1-3 December 2004, Hua Hin, Thailand, Vol. 2, pp. 812-816.
Yamaguchi, Eiki; Chartree Lertsima; Taweep Chaisomphob; and Jaturong Sa-nguanmanasak (2004). Empirical formulas for shear lag assessment in simply supported box girders. In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Advances in Structural Engineering & Mechanics (ASEM'04) [CD-ROM], 2-4 September 2004, Seoul, Korea, pp. 501-513.
Chakri Kupakrapinyo and Taweep Chaisomphob (2003). Preliminary feasibility study on run-of-river type hydropower project in Thailand : case study in Maehongson province. In Proceedings of the Second Regional Conference on Energy Technology towards a Clean Environment (RCETCE), 12-14 February 2003, Phuket, Thailand, Vol. 2, pp. 836 -841.
Chartree Lertsima; Taweep Chaisomphob; and Eiki Yamaguchi (2003). Shear lag assessment in simply supported steel box girders by stress factor concept. In Proceedings of the Ninth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, 15-18 December 2003, Bali, Indonesia, pp. BGE-108 to BGE-113.
Chayanon Hansapinyo; Taweep Chaisomphob;and Koichi Maekawa (2003). Shear deflection of reinforced concrete beams with shear reinforcement after diagonal cracking. In Proceedings of the Ninth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, 15-18 December 2003, Bali, Indonesia, pp. RCS-20 to RCS-26.
Taweep Chaisomphob; Chartree Lertsima; and Eiki Yamaguchi (2003). Three-dimensional finite element models of the Rama IX bridge in Bangkok. In Proceedings of the Ninth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, 15-18 December 2003, Bali, Indonesia, pp. CPM-73 to CPM-79.
Taweep Chaisomphob; Jaturong Sa-nguanmanasak; D. Shallcross; and M. Connor (2003). Comparative study on public participation in development of power plant projects in Thailand and Australia. In Proceedings of the Second Regional Conference on Energy Technology towards a Clean Environment (RCETCE), 12-14 February 2003, Phuket, Thailand, Vol. 2, pp. 1193-1198.
Taweep Chaisomphob; Suapphong Kritsanawonghong; and Chayanon Hansapinyo (2002). Interaction of bi-axial shear and torsion of RC beam. In Proceedings of the 17th Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials (ACMSM 17), 12-14 June 2002, Queensland, Australia, pp. 145-149.
Taweep Chaisomphob and Chakree Bamrungwong (2002). Introduction to splices of reinforcement used for concrete construction in Thailand. In Proceedings for the First International Conference on Splices of Reinforcement, 11 October 2002, Yokohama, Japan, pp. 51-55.
National Conferences
Tanpitcha Pumphaka and Taweep Chaisomphob (2018). Shear lag assessment of steel box girders with longitudinal stiffeners. In Proceedings of the 23rd National Convention on Civil Engineering (NCCE23), 18-20 July 2018, Nakhon Nayok, Thailand, 6 p.
Watcharaphon Saegow; Taweep Chaisomphob; Nuthaporn Nuttayasakul (2018). Comparative study on the fabricated steel structures imported from foreign countries. In Proceedings of the 23rd National Convention on Civil Engineering (NCCE23), 18-20 July 2018, Nakhon Nayok, Thailand, 5 p.
Warakorn Tantrapongsaton; and Taweep Chaisomphob (2016). Inspection of practical steel structure in Thailand. In Proceedings of the 21st National Convention on Civil Engineering (NCCE21), 28-30 June 2016, Songkhla, Thailand, pp. 632-638.
Wachcharadej Boonlualohr; Praj-ya Sungsomboon; and Taweep Chaisomphob (2009). Modification of the serial self-turning reactor system for sludge composting at Thammasat University Rangsit Campus. In Proceedings of the 14th National Convention on Civil Engineering (NCCE 14), 13-15 May 2009, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand. pp. 1441-1445. (in Thai).
Jaturong Sa-nguanmanasak; Taweep Chaisomphob; and Eiki Yamaguchi (2008). Analysis of shear lag in stiffened box girders. In Proceedings of the 13th National Conference on Civil Engineering (NCCE13) [CD-ROM], 14-16 May 2008, Pattaya, Thailand. Paper No. STR-080, pp. 386-390.
Praj-ya Sungsomboon; Taweep Chaisomphob; Nattakorn Bongochgetsakul; and Ishida Tetsuya (2008). Simulation-based decision methodology for practical composting. In Proceedings of the 13th National Conference on Civil Engineering (NCCE13) [CD-ROM], 14-16 May 2008, Pattaya, Thailand. Paper No. ENV-007, pp. 18-23. (in Thai)
Pannathat Rojanamon; Taweep Chaisomphob; and Winyu Rattanapitikorn (2007). Monthly flow duration model for small hydropower project development in the upper ping river basin. In Proceedings of the 12th National Convention on Civil Engineering (NCCE12) [CD-ROM], 2-4 May 2007, Pisanulok, Thailand. Vol. 9 (WRE), pp. 383-388.
Praj-ya Sungsomboon; Taweep Chaisomphob; Nattakorn Bongochgetsakul; and Ishida Tetsuya (2007). Development of the alternative composting technology for MSW treatment. In Proceedings of the 12th National Convention on Civil Engineering (NCCE12) [CD-ROM], 2-4 May 2007, Pisanulok, Thailand. Vol. ENV, 6 p.
Jaturong Sa-nguanmanasak; Taweep Chaisomphob; Eiki Yamaguchi; and Chartree Lertsima (2005). Deflection of simply supported box girder including effect of shear lag. In Proceedings of the Tenth National Convention on Civil Engineering, Engineering Institute of Thailand, 2-4 May 2005, Pattaya, Thailand, pp. STR-225 to STR-229.
Chayanon Hansapinyo; Taweep Chaisomphob; Amorn Pimanmas; and Koichi Maekawa (2002). Proposed shear deformational model of RC beam with shear reinforcement after diagonal cracking. In Proceedings of the Eighth National Convention on Civil Engineering, 23-25 October 2002, Khon Kaen, Thailand, The Engineering Institute of Thailand, pp. STR-47 to STR-52.
Taweep Chaisomphob; Chartree Lertsima; and Eiki Yamaguchi (2002). Some remarks on three-dimensional finite element analysis of thin-walled steel structures. In Proceedings of the Eighth National Convention on Civil Engineering, 23-25 October 2002, Khon Kaen, Thailand, The Engineering Institute of Thailand, pp. STR-47 to STR- 52.
Thailand Patent
Taweep Chaisomphob; Tetsuya Ishida; and Nattakorn Bongochgetsakul (2009). Self-Turning Reactor System: Energy-Saving Type (STR), Patent No. 26147.